
Constitutional Govt.

Nearly every Vermonter believes our governments should follow their respective Constitutions. The principles of limited government, individual freedom and personal liberty were the foundation of our Constitutions. These principles are important and relevant to most Vermonters today, regardless of their political orientation. The Vermont Constitution identifies the principles of justice, moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality as necessary to the preservation liberty. Dexter's goal is to adhere to these principles when deciding whether to support new legislation.

A "government of the people, by the people, for the people” is a government that is lead from the bottom up. Today, only approximately 50% of those eligible to vote are registered to vote, and only about 50% of those registered participate in a given election. The result is that only 25% of the eligible population is taking part in our electoral process. This apathy is the result of a sense of loss of power by the voter. The two-party monopoly (duopoly) of government has become a self-serving and self perpetuating machine, with the cooperative help of our mainstream media. Our government has developed into a top-down corporate powerhouse that dominates society in more ways than many of us care to admit. My goal is to restore the power to the individual and increase eligible voter registration and all voter participation. Innovative educational systems will create an informed and empowered electorate, reverse the current top-down power structure and restore the from the bottom up structure envisioned to be the “American Experiment in Democracy”

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